- They have a brand-new not very clear idea
- They need to see something next week
- They will user test the app right after that
- You haven't a clue what they want or if you can do it
Client Quickstart
No Time to Waste!
- Winter:
- Clients are students in MPD2 405 Agile Project Management course
- Planning meetings are fixed -- see Canvas for schedule
- Spring:
- "Free-range" clients from Northwestern, Evanston, Chicago, sometimes farther
- Meetings arranged by client and dev team
Kickoff Meeting Agenda
- Meet and greet
- Establish communication channel
- Schedule midpoint check-in time and method
- Define what you'll deliver in a week
First deliverable
- By end of the kickoff meeting, you need to have a specifc example of a slice that you believe you can definitely implement in less than a week
- That slice should be based on the third panel of their four-panel scenario, fleshed out with realistic data from the client
- Determine primary channels for communication
- Whatever ALL members already use (email, group text, Slack Messenger, iMessage, ...)
- Determine a single primary contact on both sides (see next slide)
Primary Contact

- To reduce mixed messages and enable easy search of message history...
- One person on each team
- sends all inter-team messages after team discussion
- CCs everyone on both teams (but not me) if emailing
Weekly client meetings
- 60-minute face-to-face iteration planning meeting
- 20-minute midpoint check-in two or three days (not more, not less)
- Listen actively
- Have a designated notetaker
- Listen for signs of concern or uncertainty
- Circulate a summary of the week's tasks and any questions within 24 hours
Midpoint Check-in
- Demo rough draft of upcoming deliverable
- Review issues identified, and potential resolutions:
- Confusions: offer two or three likely interpretations
- Obstacles: offer two or three alternatives you could do pretty quickly
Client polling
- Don't assume all is well
- Every week, ask the client two questions:
- Did you expect something you didn't see?
- Did you see something you didn't expect?
- Don't ask for a rating. People hate to rate people.
What makes a good deliverable
Project Backlog
- Editable by clients and developers
- Trello or some similar tool is best
- Prune and manage at iteration planning meetings
Client Project Checklist
What you need
- Clear contact channels
- Fixed, well-attended midweek checkin
- Team task tracker and note master
- Shared document space
- Shared project backlog
- Shared iteration taskboard
Team Roles
- Task tracker
- Keeps and constantly checks the list of tasks to do, deadlines
- Note taker
- Takes notes during (not after) client meetings
- Will not be active in conversations
- Summarizes notes to send in post-meeting summary
- Takes notes during (not after) client meetings
- These roles can rotate
Shared document space
- Everything in the 394 Shared Client Project folder will is automatically shared with all the clients.
Iteration Taskboard
- Trello or some similar tool is best
- Editable by clients and developers
- Only stories for the current and next iteration
- All stories with acceptance test example and UI sketches
- Even better if also user testing plans
- Clients sort stories in Ready to do
- Clients move stories from Ready to review to Done
Thanks to Hakim El Hattab for RevealJS