Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live.
npm audit
npm outdated
Technical debt is the continuous accumulation of shortcuts, hacks, duplication, and other sins we regularly commit against our code base in the name of speed and schedule.
I was once part of a large-scale rewrite for a back-end system where a city name was spelled two different ways. The cost of this seemingly small difference was huge. Instead of not caring how the city was spelled, they had to write and carry this extra code and complexity for as long as that system remained in production, which for mainframe systems can be a very long time.
var average;
for (var i = 0; ...
function roundToCents(n) { return round(100 * n) / 100; }
Thanks to Hakim El Hattab for RevealJS